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Spinning 3d logo

This is some stuff I made using trueSpace2 and later, trueSpace3. trueSpace is a Windows (3.1 (trueSpace2 only), 95 and NT) 3D modelling and animation program, available from Caligari Corporation. At Caligari's web site, you can download a limited demo version. If you are running Windows 3.1, you need Win32 to run trueSpace. Win32 is also available at Caligari's site. After playing with the trial version, I had to buy it! Caligari have since released trueSpace4, which looks very impressive, but the $Oz is still too low. >:^( I now have TS 4.3, but they're way past that - it's a top flight program now!

I have no connection with Caligari other than as a mostly satisfied and sometimes frustrated user! All images have been compressed (as jpegs) to 75% of original to save space - unfortunately quality suffers a little... Really does reduce the file size though! All file sizes are rounded up.

that ain't art - you only did it on a computer!

Old Nick... chrome dome This mortal coil?? meanwhile, not too far away
You know who! (22.6 kb) Chromedome (24.0 kb) A golden spring (29.9 kb) Christmas, not too far away (34.7 kb)
why aren't they looking/ twenty years Wedgie Beach infinity mirror
The Lookout at the End of the Universe (32.6 kb) Twenty Years (21.8 kb) The Wedgies at the Beach (43.8 kb) My "infinity mirror" 
(17.8 kb)
The Baptism of the New Age My version of the Philips video tape cover Burial ground Primitive World
The Baptism of the 
New Age... (35.6 kb)
To prove a point to my kids, I did a version of the Philips video tape cover image (43 kb) I finally found the secret remote control burial grounds! (58.3 kb) It's a Primitive World! 
(144 kb)


Wedgie Mating Ritual
almost nothing remained
many years had passed
The chase
The Wedgies  returned, 
cool and sophisticated.
(59.6 kb)
Once they were seafarers
(74.5 kb)
Many years later, the decay was obvious
(75.9 kb)
Space chase!
(67.5 kb)
 in the locker room
joe fleeb motors - est 2450
After the game
(93 kb)
The servo of the future?? 
(114 kb)
(35 kb)
This little bloke is based on a real beetle from my backyard
(60 kb)
the spawning grounds
the spawning grounds
(45 kb)

All artwork is copyright Tony Fathers. If you want to use any of my artwork in a non-commercial product, feel free. If any artwork is to be used in any commercial product or by any commercial organisation, my explicit written permission must be obtained. A suitable fee will be negotiated.


another fAt hIpPy pRoDucTiOn

Standard disclaimer:
Unless otherwise stated, all thoughts, comments, opinions etc expressed herein are mine, and should not be taken to represent my employers, or for that matter, anyone else. If you don't like anything I've said, sorry, just change the channel.
Copyright: Tony Fathers, 1998 - 2006