Garmin Edge 705

Personal GPS tracking device and trainer

I nearly cried the other day.

I’d been barrelling down one of the long, rough downhills of the St Helena trail before the track was graded, reaching the bottom with a grin from ear to ear, when I thought I’d check the elevation drop * on my GPS.

My GPS. MY GPS! Where was it? I was staring at an empty bracket. Oh deity. I felt sick.

My Garmin 705 GPS had been a Christmas present from my wife – I hadn’t even had it 12 months, it wasn’t cheap, and had been the best Chrissie present I’d had in years. I loved it. I dropped my bike in the bush off the track, and threw my helmet and gloves after it, before making the long slow walk back up to where I thought I’d last looked at it on the bike.

I trudged slowly up the steep and rocky hill, scanning the whole track and nearby bush. I had this idea that it could have bounced off the track if I’d hit a bump with a bit of speed, but that probably meant I’d never see it again. It would have taken forever to search everywhere it could have gone. Trying to think logically, I searched most thoroughly around anywhere a bit rougher – it must have taken a big whack to loosen.

But there was nothing. I turned and trudged slowly back down, this time searching one side a bit more thoroughly. It wasn’t all that long before I was trudging back up, scanning the *other* side more closely. I was ready to give up.

Down I went again, by now concentrating on an area after where I’d convinced myself I’d last checked the GPS. It *must* be here. It wasn’t. Not that I could see.

“One last go.”

Up I went, but this time I kept going, round the corner, and there was more hill – I hadn’t been at the top of the hill at all. I stopped at the bottom of the roughest section and looked up at the mess of loose rocks and leaf litter – and that was on the trail. I was never going to find it. I turned and looked back down the hill, before turning up to climb. Then I stopped.

Something had registered. What was it? I turned back and scanned again. A lump of burnt wood? The colour’s a bit wrong for charcoal, and it’s a bit regularly shaped. Maybe? I hurried back. Yes? YES! It was, I’d found it. I was that relieved I nearly cried.

And I think that about sums up my feelings about Garmin’s 705 GPS. I don’t use all the features, but I love it. Combined with included Garmin software, and donationware Sport Tracks you can extract mountains of data, including full GPS tracking of your ride. I’ve also added Shonky Maps, a big improvement on the standard maps.

* Incidentally, the hill drops 90 metres in 800 metres, including some relatively flat bits. The track has now been bulldozed, and is relatively smooth.

one fat hippyone fat hippyone fat hippyone fat hippy

4 fat hippies


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